Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In this Seasons of Love, It's Time, to Get It Right, and start Chasing Pavements.

"Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes, how do you measure a year?"

"In daylights, in sunsets, in mid-nights, in cups of coffee, 

in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife?"

A year has passed and sure enough, memories were made. But what makes a day count? What makes your life count? What are the moments that matters most to you? Have you figured it out by now?

"In truth that she learns? Or in times that he cried? 
In bridges he burned? Or the way that she dies?"

How do you value a person's life? Very often, we remember the times they've failed us, what about the time they were there to comfort us, and give us joy? Sometimes we're too blinded in finding the Mr.Right or "best friend" in life, we often forget what's right in front of us, we often treat people who are nice to us, badly. It's time to realize, it's 2014 now, I believe most of my readers are already above 18, we have not much time left to spend it on people who don't deserve our time. Isn't it? You should know and can tell by now, who are your real friends. So stop complaining bout your mishaps, start embracing who and what you have in life. 

"Remember the love."

Instead of always adopting a negative mindset, start your new year with a positive one. Whenever you see a lovely couple together, be it, multiracial, same sex, different religion background, or the normal heterosexual ones, whenever you see them, wish them happiness, instead of installing in your mind with thoughts like, "oh, how sweet they are, let's see how long can they last.". No, change your ways, be positive.

"It's time to begin, isn't it?"

New year, is a time for us to turn over a new leaf, to change for the better, and to begin a new chapter. Look back at your 2013, have you grown? Are you the same? Or have you become worse? I hope you've all grown more mature and gain more friends along the way. If you lost some of them, don't be sad, maybe it's fate. But what's the worst is, that if you had a bad attitude, and you're still the same until now, don't just sweep off the fact and keep it going for years to come. If you don't begin now, when will you ever achieve success in life? There has to be a turning point, isn't it? Why not now? Why not 2014? 

"I get a little bit bigger but then I''ll admit I'm just the same as I was.
Now, don't you understand? I'm never changing who I am."

Nevertheless, no matter how great we are now, we should never forget our roots, what made us what we are today, and the people we should thank, whether those who supported us, or those who despised us from the start, sure enough, haters play a role too, believe it or not, it's because of their distrust, that further motivated you to change, to show em' what you got. And guess what? You've made it. Thank them, thank everyone, be proud, but not arrogant, be humble and yet, contented. If you still haven't achieved it, worry not, who knows, 2014 might just be your year? 

"What can you do when your good isn't good enough 
and all that you touch rumbles down?"

I know, there are times that we keep on trying and everything just doesn't seem to come together, it feels like God just wants to see you break down and cry most of the times. I get it. I've been through it too. But why not you think this way, that you're the chosen one, for God has high hopes on you, and have faith that you'd pass his test, no matter how hard it gets, and if you succeed, believe me, he's going to reward you handsomely. If not, earthly possession isn't necessarily the best gift of all, for the more you strived, the more you'd gain in Heaven above. You just don't know it yet.

"But how many times will it take? For me to get it right."

It's going to take all you got, all you wish for and all your might, to get what you want in life. Those who started their lives easy, does not know the beauty of the process, and will not learn to be as wise as you are. So do whatever it takes, go against what others think of you, and do the impossible, to get it right.

"Can I start again, with my faith shaken? Cause I can't go back and undo this."

Unfortunately, the only direction, is to move forward, there's no restart button in life. Learn to let go. I once read this story of a man who went to the temple, seeking for advise. He had something in life, that he couldn't let go of, hard as he tried. Without saying a word, the monk gave him a cup of hot tea, and told him to hold it for as long as he can. So the young man took it, not long after that, he let go of the cup. So the monk said, there's no earthly possession that you can't let go, once you get hurt, surely, you will learn that the only way to protect yourself is by letting go. So move on, do not let the past be what's holding you back. You can never undo life, but what you CAN do, is to continue editing your current life with more "colors".

"I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over, 
if I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further."

Follow your heart, and may your 2014 be an awesome year ahead. Once you've got your mind set on something, nothing else would ever distract you. When there is a will, there is a way. "For when you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you can ask the trees to uproot themselves and move." (Luke 17: 5-6). Faith, is the greatest weapon of all. Do not listen to what others say. They do not define you. The first step in convincing others, is to start believing in yourself.

P/S: Sorry the blog title seemed weird, was trying to make these 4 song titles make sense.