Friday, November 29, 2013

Born this way

"My mamma told me when I was young, we are all born Superstars."

There are times in life, when it calls you to be your true self and just be fearless, yes there is, when you're in your own hostel room, in front of your roommate, otherwise, do not do it in public. Cause everyone will judge you. Live with that same kind of bullshit mindset that everyone has, in the end, you will find that you have never enjoyed your life at all, trust me, you do NOT want that kind of life for yourselves. 

See, Lady Gaga dared to be different, did not give a fuck to what people say, turned out to be this century's diva. Successful people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are the examples of college dropouts that are, currently the most famous billionaires of this world. Now, how many of you could actually survive a day without Windows, Facebook nor Microsoft? Here is the answer, none of you, college students. 

But of course, I am not encouraging any of you to neglect your studies, thing is, it is to the utmost importance that you be "innovative" at times. Just because the society tells you that 1+1 equals to 2 or that if you do not attend college after high school, you are doomed to be part of society's useless bunch of people. I, will tell you, what useless people are actually defined as, those who have the chance to get education, enough to eat and have enough sleep but could not care less to make an effort using the advantages they have to make their lives more meaningful, focusing on things that are not relevant nor real. These people, are useless, unless they change. Dare to dream, if you have a talent, work on it, do not suppress it, let it show. If not, do not fret, you will find it soon. Skills are developed, not inherited. I strongly believe that if anyone worked hard enough, someone could even come out with a theory that the sun actually rises from the west, not east(?). Well, someone even said that humans evolved from monkeys, and half of this globe agrees with him. Given sufficient research and points to support your theory, why not? *shrugs*

God did not make any one of us for no reason, He has plans for everyone, but not everyone could take up the challenge that He has set for us. In a nutshell, follow your heart, it can never go wrong. OR you can just ignore whatever bullshit I have typed up there. Haha. Kthxbye.

"Don't be a drag, just be a queen."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Let it be

"When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

My second year in degree. The older I get, the less I care(?), or I just do not show it anymore? Experience tells me that care is a wasteful emotion, that is returned with mere disregard and smirk, which often ends in disappointment. So I learnt to put on a poker face and live on. Thinking back the days when I was such a cry baby at school, I feel so stupid. I even risked a friendship that meant so much to me just because I "cared" about what my peers thought of me. I lost sight of what is important and what is worthless. So, yeah. I do not live to please everyone nor to be anyone's clown.

I appreciate my uni-friends a lot, but lately, I think I need some time to sort things out, find a space of my own, I just needed a break. I know there are many types of friends, listeners, trouble-makers, attention seekers, opportunists, companion, soul-mates, party animal, and so on. I can never blame someone for being who he or she is. Friendship is about acceptance, if not, it would not have exist at all. Nevertheless, all I can say is, I am just not the type that sticks with the same gang all the time. I dislike the fact of being tied down to one person, that is, unless I love him/her so very much. I mix with gangs of all age, race and gender. These days, I have been so caught up with workload, tests and dilemmas, that sometimes, I would prefer to be alone in my room, and muse. Socializing is no longer my kind of thing, there are times when I wish that every passer-by does not know me, that I would not need to care of what I wear when I walk around campus and just be invisible to everyone(which is impossible due to my size). But yeah, no matter what you do, how unpopular you are, people still pin-point, they need something to talk about. Hence, the less you care, the happier you are. The amount of gossips is directly proportional to the degree of how much you care(?). It is not going to decrease as you care more, but you are only going to make things worse.

So, just let things flow, let it be, do not shine too much light on yourself, stop caring, eventually people will get tired as they see no response from you no matter how hard they try to crush you, they see no fun it in, and yeah, they will stop talking. Be strong. People are going to judge you, but it is your attitude that decides whether they are right. There are 7 billion people in this world, do not let one person ruin your day. Smile and live everyday and you will see the world in a total different kind of positive way.

I will come out and meet with my friends again, someday, when I am ready. For now, just let me be.

"There will be an answer. Let it be."

Saturday, November 23, 2013

New beginning

"Another year you made a promise, another chance to turn it all around."

As the new year approaches, (yes, it is the end of November already, hence Christmas is near, and hence, the New Year), I shall start anew as well. First of all, this blog is not meant to be written based on personal experience, whatsoever, so do NOT call me a hypocrite when the things that I wrote here are not what I am in real life. You know, it is always easier to tell people what is the right thing to do rather than really doing it yourself. Nevertheless, do not take what I write here as the Gospel truth, these things are subject to change, these are solely my random muse. Everything that is going to jotted down here are my mere feelings and thoughts at the moment, based on all my favorite music in Glee (Yes, I am a Glee fan, get over it), and nothing else.

As the title implies itself, I shall stick to its meaning, that is, a new starting line. When Cory Monteith passed away, Lea Michelle moved on; people come people go, it is all just the way life is, I too, must move on and shall not let my past bring me down. My second year in degree is about to end, shall start over, and perhaps, turn over a new leaf and start growing up. Hopefully I would survive my coming remaining year as a junior here and smoothly land myself an internship placement in a company(God knows what he has planned for me) and continue to grow up there.

We only got 525,600 minutes in a year, so do as much charity as you can, smile as often as possible and more actions, less talking. So, to stop crapping, hey, you there, yes you, whoever you are, that I might meet in the future, friend or lover, ally or enemy, treat me well and I will do the likewise.

"And I, would give the world to you."