"My mamma told me when I was young, we are all born Superstars."
There are times in life, when it calls you to be your true self and just be fearless, yes there is, when you're in your own hostel room, in front of your roommate, otherwise, do not do it in public. Cause everyone will judge you. Live with that same kind of bullshit mindset that everyone has, in the end, you will find that you have never enjoyed your life at all, trust me, you do NOT want that kind of life for yourselves.
See, Lady Gaga dared to be different, did not give a fuck to what people say, turned out to be this century's diva. Successful people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are the examples of college dropouts that are, currently the most famous billionaires of this world. Now, how many of you could actually survive a day without Windows, Facebook nor Microsoft? Here is the answer, none of you, college students.
But of course, I am not encouraging any of you to neglect your studies, thing is, it is to the utmost importance that you be "innovative" at times. Just because the society tells you that 1+1 equals to 2 or that if you do not attend college after high school, you are doomed to be part of society's useless bunch of people. I, will tell you, what useless people are actually defined as, those who have the chance to get education, enough to eat and have enough sleep but could not care less to make an effort using the advantages they have to make their lives more meaningful, focusing on things that are not relevant nor real. These people, are useless, unless they change. Dare to dream, if you have a talent, work on it, do not suppress it, let it show. If not, do not fret, you will find it soon. Skills are developed, not inherited. I strongly believe that if anyone worked hard enough, someone could even come out with a theory that the sun actually rises from the west, not east(?). Well, someone even said that humans evolved from monkeys, and half of this globe agrees with him. Given sufficient research and points to support your theory, why not? *shrugs*
God did not make any one of us for no reason, He has plans for everyone, but not everyone could take up the challenge that He has set for us. In a nutshell, follow your heart, it can never go wrong. OR you can just ignore whatever bullshit I have typed up there. Haha. Kthxbye.
"Don't be a drag, just be a queen."